Episode 82: Elizabeth Spencer

Episode 82: Elizabeth Spencer

Seen and Heard in Edmonton

Meet Elizabeth Spencer, creator and co-host (with me, her mother) of That's a Thing?!, "a sometimes belated, already outdated guide to your teens, tweens and everything under 20."

That's a Thing?! is a podcast that grew out of various conversations around the dinner table and elsewhere. Elizabeth and her brother, Jon, would start talking about something in the media they pay attention to, and realize based on their parents' confused reaction that "Oh my god, adults don't know about this!" So we decided to make a show that explores that.

In this episode, you'll hear us talk about Elizabeth's process for choosing and researching a trend worth talking about; the fun we have exploring our generation gap and the intersection between teen-world and 40something-world; the beauty of the hands-free, eyes-free experience that podcasting provides; what we noticed about the podcast audience at PodCon; the reaction to That's a Thing?! so far; and the topics to come. 

This episode is also a bit of a swan song for Seen and Heard in Edmonton, this podcast I started in 2015. The idea grew out of work I had already been doing to shine a light on the local independent media community, and the podcast was born that summer because I was workshopping an idea for a local podcast network in an entrepreneurial journalism program. I felt I needed a podcast to be credible in the space, and so Seen and Heard in Edmonton was born.

Why is Seen and Heard in Edmonton going on hiatus? I need more time. And the podcast did what it needed to do — it helped me gain the experience and make the contacts necessary to create the Alberta Podcast Network. I also think That's a Thing?! has more potential to grow, and it doesn't hurt that Elizabeth does most of the work. 

So, thank you to everyone who ever appeared on the show (the back catalogue will stay up on Apple Podcasts, on Google Play or on Stitcher). Thank you to everyone who listened and spread the word. And if you're reading this and thinking "She shouldn't end it; she should let me take it over!" then let's talk. I'm at karen@unlandmedia.com.


  • Elizabeth highly recommends Let's Find Out, Chris Chang-Yen Phillips's exploration of Edmonton's history;
  • Karen recommends/logrolls thusly:
    • The Alberta Podcast Network, which has 30 great shows that you can check out;
    • Taproot Edmonton, an experiment in curiosity-based, member-supported local journalism that Mack Male and I started in 2016.

Subscribe to That's a Thing in Apple Podcasts, Google Play or Stitcher, and find Elizabeth's copious show notes at thatsathing.libsyn.com (proper website to come). You can also find us on Twitter: @thatsathingyeg

Many thanks to Castria for help with producing the podcast. 

(P.S. The Edmonton Podcasting Meetup will keep going. The next one is set for Feb. 25.)

This episode of Seen and Heard in Edmonton is brought to you by Alberta Women Entrepreneurs, which is putting on its annual Learning Day on Feb. 20.  

This one-day conference features keynotes and workshops about human resources, operations, financing, marketing, technology, and mindset. You’ll get tangible skills, information, and access to expert resources to help build your business.

Plus, it’s a great way to meet other entrepreneurs so you feel less alone in your journey.

Tickets are only $129, and you can get 10 per cent off if you use the promo code "Podcast" at checkout. Get your tickets here.

This episode is also brought to you by ATB, founding sponsor of the Alberta Podcast Network

The dream of building an Alberta-based podcast network came true because ATB listened. They saw the potential to support local creators, and to create an opportunity for Alberta-based businesses and organizations to reach their listeners. And here we are.

ATB wants to listen to you, too. Find out more at atb.com/listen

Musical credits: Beethoven’s Sonata No. 1 in F Minor, Op. 2 No. 1, played by Daniel Veesey, from freemusicarchive.com.


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