The Art & Science to 1:1 Meetings

The Art & Science to 1:1 Meetings

The Perkins Platform

Join us on April 3@ 6pm EST for an exciting conversation with world-renowned organizational psychologist and author, Dr. Steven G. Rogelberg, to discuss his new book, Glad We Met: The Art and Science of 1:1 Meetings. Dr. Rogelberg holds the title of Chancellor’s Professor at UNC Charlotte for distinguished national, international and interdisciplinary contributions. He is an award-winning teacher, has over 200 publications, been cited well-over 10,000 times in the academic literature, and was recipient of the very prestigious Humboldt Award for his research on meetings. Adam Grant has called Steven the “worlds leading expert on how to fix meetings”. He has been interviewed or featured on major TV broadcasts (e.g.  CBS This Morning, multiple times on CNN, BBC World), radio (e.g., NPR’s Morning Edition), leading podcasts, and in most major newspapers and magazines. His keynotes on meetings span the globe and occur at the world’s leading organizations including but not limited to Google, Facebook, Amazon, Pfizer, Cisco, Bank of America, PayPal, Dell, The United Nations, 3M, RAND, The Security Exchange Commission, Corning, Siemens, London Stock Exchange, TIAA, and Warner Brothers. He was the inaugural winner of the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP) Humanitarian Award and just finished his term as President of SIOP, the largest professional organization in the world for organizational psychology.


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