Ruth Gotian: Chief Learning Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine

Ruth Gotian: Chief Learning Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine

Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee

In this episode of Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee, CEO Alex Pascal sits down with Ruth Gotian, Chief Learning Officer at Weill Cornell Medicine and the author of The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance.

As research for her book, Ruth has spent time studying the highest of high achievers across diverse fields, from Nobel Prize-winning scientists to Olympic athletes. She knows what distinguishes their approach to challenging situations and how they maintain their momentum once they’ve achieved a goal. During this discussion with Alex, she shares the 4 characteristics that she has observed in these hyper-successful people.

One of these characteristics is intrinsic motivation, and Ruth also explains how she identifies and fosters this trait in a coaching context. As a coach, Ruth believes that helping her clients connect with their passion is paramount. Here, she explains what a Passion Audit consists of and how she uses this to help her clients reconnect with their objectives and avoid burnout. 

Another topic that Ruth and Alex analyze in this episode is imposter syndrome, and Ruth isn’t only an expert on this affliction - she’s also a sufferer. Here, she outlines her most successful coping strategies and explains why she believes an episode of imposter syndrome should be considered a sign of success. 

Listen to this episode of the podcast to find out how saying no to a nuisance responsibility can open up new, lucrative opportunities. You’ll also discover methods that will help clients align their schedules to ensure they’re really practicing their passion.


Ruth Gotian


The Success Factor: Developing the Mindset and Skillset for Peak Business Performance
Handbook of Research on the Efficacy of Training Programs and Systems in Medical Education (Advances in Medical Education, Research, and Ethics)


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