187. Matthew Wurstner on Precedent and the Supreme Court

187. Matthew Wurstner on Precedent and the Supreme Court

Riverside Chats

Today's episode features a conversation between Tom Knoblauch and Matthew Wurstner, an attorney from Omaha, Nebraska.

If you've ever watched Supreme Court proceedings, a word that you've heard a lot is "precedent." How much does precedent matter? How much should we revere the standards of the past, and how much should we look to rewrite the rules of the future?

These questions don't have firm answers, but people have strong opinions about them — particularly in an age of gridlocked Congress and a historically empowered Supreme Court.

Matthew Wurstner is back on the show to discuss the concept of precedent. What is it? Where does it come from? What are the arguments for and against it?

Wurstner is a partner at the law firm Carlson Blakeman in Omaha.


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