Quintessential Listening: Poetry - Marianne Sylzk

Quintessential Listening: Poetry - Marianne Sylzk

Quintessential Poetry: Online Radio, YouTube and Zoom

Marianne Szlyk is a professor of English and Reading at Montgomery College and was a member of the DC Poetry Project.  She also edits The Song Is... a blog-zine for poetry and prose inspired by music (especially jazz), and she belongs to the DC Poetry Spot and the DC Poetry Magic Theater.  This summer she and her husband started It Takes A Community! Poetry Workshop at Montgomery College Rockville.  Her first chapbook, Listening to Electric Cambodia, Looking up at Trees of Heaven, is available online at Kind of a Hurricane Press.  Her second chapbook, I Dream of Empathy, is available on Amazon.  Her poems have appeared in Scarlet Leaf Review, of/with, bird's thumb, Cactifur, Mad Swirl, Setu, Solidago, Red Bird Chapbook's Weekly Read, and Resurrection of a Sunflower, an anthology of work responding to Vincent Van Gogh's art.  Her full-length book, On the Other Side of the Window, is now available from Pski's Porch and Amazon.  She invites you to stop by her blog-zine and perhaps even submit some poems:  http://thesongis.blogspot.com


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