Tal Ben-Shahar: Co-Founder and CLO of The Happiness Studies Academy

Tal Ben-Shahar: Co-Founder and CLO of The Happiness Studies Academy

Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee

This episode of Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee sees Coaching.com CEO Alex Pascal dive deep into the topic of happiness with Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, a bestselling author and happiness educator who lectures internationally on topics such as leadership, education, and ethics.

In this episode, Tal explains how life as a child athlete, a young man in the military, and a dissatisfied computer science student eventually led him to the “happiness business.” He provides information about his accredited MA program in Happiness Studies (the first of its kind) and goes into depth about his influential SPIRE model for living a happier life.

As an analytical academic, Tal is interested in how change can be affected systematically from the neurological and individual all the way to the organizational level. He provides his definition of happiness as a sustainable state incorporating struggle, and he takes time during this episode to explain to Alex how businesses can successfully turn stress into growth.

Alex asks Tal to reflect on what the pandemic has meant for people’s well-being, and Tal gives his perspective on why this is the perfect time to start implementing meaningful societal change. He explains why he believes returning to pre-pandemic “normality” won’t be straightforward and why it’s now necessary for organizations to integrate flexibility and wellbeing into their practice.

Another topic that Tal addresses in this episode is the relationship between morality and happiness. Bearing in mind the heightened levels of polarization in modern society, Tal clarifies what he means by morality and proposes ways to live in alignment with our values in a world where what’s “right” is so hotly contested.

When it comes to the longevity of the coaching industry, Tal raises some important points about the need for lifelong learning and strong links to evidence-based practice. In this episode, he also shares his unique vision of what an effective coach should be using Emerson’s “beautiful enemy” concept.

To learn more about Tal’s perspective on happiness, business, and the coaching industry, listen to this episode of Coaches on Zoom Drinking Coffee.  

Tal Ben-Shahar: https://talbenshahar.com/

Happiness Studies Academy: https://www.happinessstudies.academy/cihs/

Potentialife: https://potentialife.com/

Happiness Studies: An Introduction: https://www.amazon.com/-/he/Tal-Ben-Shahar/dp/3030648680

Happier No Matter What: https://www.amazon.com/Happier-Matter-What-Cultivating-Resilience/dp/1615197915

Choose the Life You Want: https://www.amazon.com/Choose-Life-You-Want-Happiness/dp/1615190651/ref=sr_1_4?ie=UTF8&qid=1349517753&sr=8-4&keywords=tal+ben-shahar


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