Freire:  What Relevance Is His  Philosophy Today?

Freire: What Relevance Is His Philosophy Today?

The Perkins Platform

As Director of the Paulo Freire Institute at the UCLA Graduate School of Education, Dr. Carlos Alberto Torres, joins us to discuss his institute and the present-day relevance of the teaching and philosophy of Professor Freire. Dr. Torres is a professor of Social Sciences and Comparative Education and a political sociologist of education. Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, he did his undergraduate work in sociology at the Jesuit Universidad del Salvador, in Buenos Aires and holds a Ph.D. from Stanford University.  He has authored 40 books and more than 150 research articles, chapters in books, and entries in encyclopedias in several languages. He has participated in and presented papers and keynote addresses at numerous national and world congresses. His most recent book develops the connections between citizenship, democracy, and multiculturalism in education, with a comparative focus on Canada, the United States, and Latin America. His current research, in the political sociology of education, focuses on the cultural organizational contexts of learning and the tensions resulting from the dialectics of the global and the local in cultural creation in the social sciences in Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Tune in on Wednesday, March 9 @ 6pm EST!


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