Lest We Forget: The Ban of African American History in Our Schools

Lest We Forget: The Ban of African American History in Our Schools

The Perkins Platform

Join us on Wednesday, May 3 @ 6pm EST for an informative conversation with Award-winning Professor and Writer and Black History Educator, Dr. LaGarrett King to hear his thoughts on the Florida ban of AP African American History. Dr. King is an Associate Professor of Social Studies Education and the Founding Director of the Center for K-12 Black History and Racial Literacy Education. He is an award-winning professor who has won three early career awards for research from the Critical Issues in Education group from the American Educational Research Association, the College and University Faculty Association from the National Council for the Social Studies, and Emerging Scholar of the African Diaspora through the Comparative and International Education Society. He has held an endowed professorship and recently received the spirit of American award from the National Council for the Social Studies, whose previous award winners included Rosa Parks and John Lewis. Dr. King has published the award-winning, We be Lovin Black Children, Teaching Enslavement in American History: Lesson Plans and Primary Sources, Perspectives on the Teaching of Black Histories in Schools, and Social Studies and Racial Literacies. He has also authored over 50 publications in scholarly journals such as the Journal of Negro Education, Negro Educational Review, Theory and Research in Social Education, Race, Ethnicity, and Education, and Urban Education. Dr. King holds a Teaching Black History Conference each summer. In its 6th rendition this summer, the conference has reached over 3,500 teachers who have attended and learned from the best Black history educators worldwide.


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