Join us on Wednesday, February 2 @ 7pm EST for an inspiring conversation with Dr. Nadia Lopez, who opened a school to close a prison. She is pioneering a path of inspired leadership to show the world how underprivileged communities can beat the odds and create positive institutions that have a global impact. As the founder of Mott Hall Bridges Academy, a New York City public school located in Brooklyn, NY, Dr. Lopez’s story became a viral sensation as millions of people around the world became inspired by the positive learning environment, high expectations, and growing success rate at a school right in the middle of one of the most under-served communities in America. She is a best-selling author of The Bridge to Brilliance, international speaker, and award-winning educator who was honored alongside First Lady Michelle Obama with the Black Girls Rock Change Agent Award. She delivered a TED Talk on why she opened a school to close a prison and is currently the Chief Visionary Officer of The Lopez Effect where she provides strategic planning and coaching to leaders and educators, as well as the co-founder of ElevatED BLK, which focuses on sustainability, personal development, and wellness.