90. Paul B. Allen IV on 1st Sky Omaha, Benson Theatre, and the Difference Between Passion and Ambition

90. Paul B. Allen IV on 1st Sky Omaha, Benson Theatre, and the Difference Between Passion and Ambition

Riverside Chats

Paul B. Allen IV runs the Allen Showcase Media Group building teams for media operations like Mind and Soul 101.3 or 1st Sky Omaha. Allen comes from a long legacy of entrepreneurship in music, art, and media with a fascinating family history right here in the metro. He also is involved in the recently relaunched Benson Theater, a multi-million dollar community theater project. In this conversation with Tom Knoblauch, Allen discusses about his wide-ranging career and his vision for Omaha going forward, as well as the important distinction he sees in being passionate vs. being ambitious. 


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