Proud Father. AntiHuman Trafficking Advocate. Women's Right Advocate. Lyricist. Empathetic Writer. "One voice could change the world."
The mission of Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio is to provide a live format for emerging, mid-career, and established poets to showcase their work. Whether traditional poetry or spoken word, the show offers an online vehicle for artists to engage in critical dialogue and discussion about poetry. If you would like to be a guest on QL: POR, please contact the host Dr. Michael Anthony Ingram at Dr. Ingram is a retired university professor and social change activist. A Washington DC resident, he is committed to employing the arts, specifically poetry, to disseminate information and raise awareness about issues related to power, identity, and oppression. Known widely as the Counseling Poet (, he has gained an international reputation as a spoken word artist and performance poet. A 2015 Pushcart poetry prize nominee, he has traveled extensively, reciting his works and conducting workshops on building cultural competency and empathy skills through poetry and metaphor.