Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents Marianne Szlyk and Ethan Goffman

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Presents Marianne Szlyk and Ethan Goffman

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Marianne Szlyk’s poems have appeared in of/with, bird’s thumb, Mad Swirl, Solidago, One-Sentence Poems, Bourgeon, Mike Maggio’s COVID-19 series, Sheila-na-gig, Verse Virtual, Cactifur, Music of the Aztecs, and Resurrection of a Sunflower, an anthology of work responding to Vincent Van Gogh’s art. Her new book, Poetry en Plein Air, is available from Pony One Dog Press and Amazon. She has also revived her blog-zine The Song Is… as a summer-only publication for poems and prose inspired by music, especially jazz: http://thesongis.blog. Recently she read her poems at the River Road Reading Series in Eugene, OR...through the magic of Zoom. She and her husband also coordinate It Takes a Community, a poetry group that brings together MC student poets and poets from the community. These days, the community is much larger, even including poets from New York, Wisconsin, Italy, and Nigeria!

Ethan Goffman’s first volume of poetry, Words for Things Left Unsaid, was published by Kelsay Books in March of 2020.  His poems have appeared in Alien Buddha, Ariel Chart, BlazeVox, Bradlaugh’s Finger, Burgeon, The Loch Raven Review,Mad Swirl, MadnessMuse,Ramingo’s Blog,Setu, and elsewhere. Ethan is co-founder of It Takes a Community, a Montgomery College initiative bringing poetry to students and local residents.  He is also founder and producer of the Poetry & Planet podcast on EarthTalk.org. https://earthtalk.org/poetry-and-planet/


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