Potty training is hard.  It can take anywhere from 3 weeks to 3 months.  Even then you can still have a random accident here and there up to a year. 

It's a process that we can't rush our puppy through.  We can set them up for success as much as we can but it usually takes as long as it takes.   

If you've been   

It can be very disheartening especially when the kids don't want to play with the puppy anymore.  

That's why I'm giving you my three favorite games that I teach my clients to help with a nipping puppy.

Each one is designed to give you a way to interact and play with your puppy while keeping sharp teach away from sensitive fingers.

Each of these games are great for kids and adults. 

The the games I teach are:

Puppy Soccer
Freeze Tag
Flirt Pole (this one is actually a toy which I have pictured below)

In this episode I talk about:

Why puppies nip and bite.
To prevent nipping it's sometimes about changing the game.
My three favorite games to play with a nipping puppy.
How to teach your puppy each game.
When to involve the kids. 

Press play and enjoy!
Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:
YNP #046: Puppy Biting and Why You Might Still be Struggling

Playtime Paws Academy:  A brand new program for dog and humans no matter where you are in your training journey.


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