Black Experiences in Public Education in the "Black Lives Matter" Era

Black Experiences in Public Education in the "Black Lives Matter" Era

The Perkins Platform

Join us on March 30 for what promises to be a thought-provoking show. Michael J. Dumas is an Assistant Professor at the University of California, Berkeley in the Graduate School of Education and the African American Studies Department. He earned a Ph.D. in Urban Education with an emphasis in social and educational policy studies from The Graduate Center of The City University of New York. His research sits at the intersection(s) of the cultural politics of Black education, the cultural political economy of urban education, and the futurity of Black childhood(s). His publications have appeared in such journals as Teachers College Record, Race, Ethnicity, and Education, and Educational Policy. A forthcoming article in Harvard Educational Review offers a critical reimagination of Black boyhood, and another in Urban Education explores the possibility of BlackCrit, as an extension and complication of Critical Race Theory in education.

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