Cathy Camper

Cathy Camper

Something (rather than nothing)

Cathy Camper is the author of Lowriders in Space, Lowriders to the Center of the Earth and Lowriders Blast from the Past, with a fourth volume in the works, Lowriders to the Rescue, all from Chronicle Books. She has a forthcoming picture book, Ten Ways to Hear Snow (Dial/Penguin), release October 13, 2020, and also wrote Bugs Before Time: Prehistoric Insects and Their Relatives (Simon & Schuster). Her zines include Sugar Needle and The Lou Reeder, and she’s a founding member of the Portland Women of Color zine collective. 

A graduate of VONA/Voices writing workshops for people of color in Berkeley, California, Cathy worked as a librarian in Portland, Oregon, where she did outreach to schools and kids in grades K-12.


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