Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Diana Howard

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Diana Howard

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Diana Howard is a poet and children’s author living along the Missouri River in southeastern South Dakota. She has published two children’s books, Applesauce and Boo Boo La Roo. Her poetry has appeared in several journals and on several websites. She is a member of the South Dakota State Poetry Society and the Poetry Alliance of southwest Florida. Visit her at https://thecottonwoodtree.com/.

Winter Solstice by Diana Howard burrows deep into the heart-rendering poetic journey of a daughter trying to love and help her mother who is slowly losing her memory. Through poems and vignettes written over a period of 15 years, the reader will enter a world of denial, confusion, shame, fear, humor, sacrifice, patience and love - finding solace and empathy with an experience many of us go through, yet struggle to find words to describe.


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