Our Urban High Schools Are Failing Us:  What Now?

Our Urban High Schools Are Failing Us: What Now?

The Perkins Platform

Our guest in August is Dr. Camille Farrington - Senior Research Associate, Consortium on Chicago School Research, will discuss her research on urban high schools.  She will discuss the psychological and systematic barriers to success and the ways we might redesign these schools for greater success with adolescents.  Given that the model we currently use is more than 100 years old, she proposes some innovative solutions to the roadblocks faced in many urban centers.  Join us at 2pm EST on August 12 for what promises to be a enlightening discussion.

Camille A. Farrington is a Senior Research Associate at the University of Chicago, Consortium on Chicago School Research (CCSR), studying policy and practice in urban high school reform. She is a national expert on “noncognitive” factors in academic settings. Dr. Farrington is the author of Failing at School: Lessons for Redesigning Urban High Schools (2014, Teachers College Press); lead author of Teaching Adolescents to Become Learners: The Role of Noncognitive Factors in Shaping School Performance (2012, CCSR); and co-author of Foundations for Young Adult Success: A Developmental Framework (2015, CCSR). Throughout her work, Dr. Farrington draws on fifteen years’ experience as a public high school teacher and National Board Certified Teacher Mentor. She received a B.A. from the University of California Santa Cruz, teacher certification from Mills College, and a Ph.D. in Policy Studies in Urban Education from the University of Illinois at Chicago.


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