Something I get asked often is how I feel about using a potty bell.  

Stay can be a useful command ("Stay" so I can take your picture).  It can be used for safety ("Stay" while I clean up this glass that just broke).  I also use it all the time to focus an overstimulated dog.  

With just a few adjustments you can build a foundation to a stronger and longer Stay. 
In this episode I talk about:

How to set your dog up for success.
What's wrong with the Stay-Come exercise.
How to reset them when they break.
Stay is a one syllable word.
What makes Stay different from other cues.

Press play and enjoy!
Other resources mentioned and related to this episode:
YNP #012: The Most Important Part of Your Dog's Obedience Training

Playtime Paws Academy:  A brand new program for dog and humans in any s


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