Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Linda Ohlson Graham

Quintessential Listening: Poetry Online Radio Presents Linda Ohlson Graham

Quintessential Listening Poetry Online Radio and YouTube

Linda Ohlson Graham (so very proud to have been named CO Department of Peace Poet Laureate in Oct. 2009) is a fine photographer and ecstatic poet who has sailed thousands of miles … including the Bahamas, the Caribbean, and Central and South America. She also lived within (1984-93) and co-directed (1984-96) The (J.M.W). Turner Museum in Denver, CO. Her photography and spiritual writing portray the richness of her life's experience.

Linda believes … with ALL of her Heart … that Peace CAN be actualized, our Earth's weather patterns CAN  be calmed, terrorist attacks would end  ... and insight(s) to arrest, and cure the pandemic would be realized ... honestly, quite simply, by 'a few moments of a collective intention re: Silencing thought ' ... and when thought does arise, to either Silence it ... or intentionally compose 'positive thought' statements-Prayers.

Her book: Earth Ocean Heavens ... a mini guide book to aid Humanity in entering "The New Age" can be viewed @ https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B4WKpAHlmhy1SlowMTRVMzYtdVdqQVhXV2lzNjNrZXlNZUN3/view?ts=59e915e6.


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