Serena Agusto-Cox, a Suffolk University alum and volunteer with the Gaithersburg Book Festival, was one of the first featured readers of the DiVerse Gaithersburg reading series. Poems can be read in The Magnolia Review, MacQueen's Quinterly, Beltway Poetry Quarterly, Dime Show Review, Dissonance Magazine, Mothers Always Write, Bourgeon, and elsewhere. Work appears in the This Is What America Looks Like anthology, Mom Egg Review’s Pandemic Parenting issue, The Plague Papers digital anthology, H.L. Hix’s Made Priceless, Love_Is_Love: An Anthology for LGBTQIA+ Teens, and Midge Raymond’s Everyday Book Marketing. She operates the book review blog, Savvy Verse & Wit, and Poetic Book Tours. She is currently working on her first chapbook.