COVID and Adverse Childhood Experiences:  The Cumulative Effect of Trauma

COVID and Adverse Childhood Experiences: The Cumulative Effect of Trauma

The Perkins Platform

Join us for a discussion on Adverse Childhood Experiences and the implications for ACEs during this global pandemic.  ACEs are potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood and have an impact on future violence victimization and perpetration, and lifelong health and opportunity.  This broadcast features Rene Howitt, founder of COPE24 | Changing Our Parenting Experience.  Rene has spent the last 12 years speaking across the country in over 240 educational institutions to thousands of students. Their stories of abuse, neglect, foster care and lack of permanency in their lives led to the founding of her non-profit child advocacy organization.  She believes that the way to break the cycle of abuse for the sake of future generations of children is through educating and providing our youth with a coping skill set that may not have previously modeled to them.  She is also an appointed member of Missouri’s Task Force on Children’s Justice and the Critical Event Review Committees.  Tune in on Monday, November 30 @ 5pm EST to hear this enlightening conversation.


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