Option Block 294: You’re Soaking in It

Option Block 294: You’re Soaking in It

The Option Block

Option Block 294: You’re Soaking in It

Trading Block: Positioning going into the short weekend. Where are the long premiums? Where is the free juice? Are OX clients still trading or are they already on vacation?

ZNGA love - time for Andrew to gloat. TWTR giving up some of the gains.

Odd Block: Hail Mary call buying in The CBOE Volatility Index (VIX), calls trade in Ziopharm Oncology Inc. (ZIOP), and in Titan International Inc. (TWI)

Xpress Block: The Warren Buffet put in Exxon? The success of OX mobile trading.

Mail Block: We’re taking your questions

  • Question from Allan Schwartz - Why is open interest still only updated daily? Do we not have enough information now to update that more frequently, if not instantly? If I buy to close 30 calls, that should be reflected in the OI instantly, not the following morning.
  • Question from Biz Man - Does OX offer any systems to automate trading? Example - Automatically write a 5% OTM call on XYZ underlying every month/week, etc. It would save some hassle for busy clients. 

Around the Block: The holiday approaches. Markets closed Thursday, and half-day on Friday.


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