₿HS021:  The Wild Life of Unschooling

₿HS021: The Wild Life of Unschooling

Bitcoin Homeschoolers

SHOW TOPICS:  life-long parent-child bonds, unschooling FUD, filling your own emotional cup

Unschooling can build incredible, life-long parent-child bonds.  You trust them.  They trust you.  Give your kids a loving, respectful and happy home.

Parents may have to de-school themselves.  There is a lot of FUD about unschooling.  Unschooling is the opposite of being lazy and locking kids up.  It’s about getting active and having a network, a caring community.  There’s a balance.  Kids are free to explore and choose their own path, but parents are there to guide.  It’s not a completely hands-off experience.


  • Alex’s background and inspiration for taking self-custody of her son’s education
  • She left Germany as a single Mom and without a specific plan other than she knew they had to leave
  • Alex’s ideas of what people who can’t homeschool, e.g., in Germany
  • There are certain countries around Germany that way more relaxed when it comes to homeschool so if you’re living on the border you can send them there instead.
  • West River Academy was another option Alex found to be very helpful for unschooling families
  • Clarifying the FUD … “Unschooling” means kids have a choice, including going to school.  Also, parents do set boundaries.
  • Kids learn because they need something in life, e.g., basic math skills.
  • Kids learn how to learn.  Then they can apply this skill to other areas and other problems.
  • Alex’s son has a variety of coaches, e.g.,  at his boxing / MMA club.
  • Unschooling is the opposite of being lazy and locking kids up.  It’s about getting active and having a network, a caring community. 
  • Tali discusses a letter she wrote to herself when her first-born was an infant.
  • Contrast between Alex’s German background and Tali’s Chinese background leads to some fun back-and-forth.
  • There’s a balance in un-schooling.  Kids are free to explore and choose their own path, but parents are there to guide.  It’s not a completely hands-off experience.  
  • Not everyone you know, friends or family, will understand what you’re doing.  The most important thing is that the kids feel loved.
  • For Alex, the most important thing was letting go of her fear and programming … to de-school herself.
  • She recommends self-discovery activities and habits.  The more you love yourself, the more you trust yourself, the better it is for your kids.  Fill your own cup.
  • Reach out to other moms if you’re considering homeschooling or unschooling.  



  • Podcast: “Wild...


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