The Real Meaning Of Palm Sunday // Come and See (Part 1) // Joseph Swan

The Real Meaning Of Palm Sunday // Come and See (Part 1) // Joseph Swan

Connexus Church Audio Podcast

When you experience something that changes everything, you can’t help but share it. As Jesus journeyed toward the cross and the tomb, different people along the way were invited to come and see. As his journey progressed, it became less clear what God was doing in the moment, but more clear to us today–clear that the invitation to come and see isn’t just a physical one, it’s a spiritual one. It’s an invitation of forgiveness, hope, and freedom. It wasn’t just news for a moment, but good news for all humanity. Good news for you, and it’s definitely worth sharing - and it all began with a donkey. Come on the journey as Joseph Swan unpacks the story behind Palm Sunday and listen as he shares part of his own story.

Joseph's full story can be found in his recently published book, 'You Are Never Alone" -


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