TA 022 – Crittografia e Autenticazione

TA 022 – Crittografia e Autenticazione

Tecnica Arcana Podcast

La rete è sicura? Chi legge i nostri dati? e come facciamo ad essere certi che il nostro interlocutore sia proprio chi dice di essere? Con questo episodio iniziamo un affascinante percorso nel complesso mondo della crittografia e della sicurezza di rete, a partire da Cesare fino a giungere ai moderni algoritmi a chiave pubblica. Introdotte le magie matematiche che permettono di tener nascosti ad occhi indiscreti i nostri dati, vedremo inoltre come sfruttarle per l’autenticazione, ovvero per essere certi che colui o colei che comunica con noi è proprio chi dice di essere e non la malvagia Trudy 😀

Kurose/Ross sito ufficale

L’edizione italiana su Unilibro

Nota: dimenticate la mia ramanzina sul titolo! Nella terza edizione l’hanno cambiato! 🙂


Bob e Alice (la storia dei nomi)

Storia delle crittografia e cifrario di Cesare


RSA: principi e chiavi

RSA (inglese)

I 5 “Protocolli” del Kurose Ross per l’autenticazione. Seguite qui la descrizione! 🙂

Attacco ai DNS

Algoritmo di Shor


Security Now!

Steve Gibson

Musica utilizzata:

Tratta dal Podsafe Music Network


• 17 Jan
Gm nostriches, happy Friday. I often think about how to introduce the topic of Bitcoin to someone. Every time I get asked, I fumble, trying not to be too bullish, not coming across as a know it all prick who got in early and then end up focusing on the uncensorable nature, which doesn’t resonate (I’ve done nothing bad, my bank account works fine). Should I suggest a book? Or maybe an article? academic paper 😆 ? Btc magazine 🫣? , but getting someone to read the Bitcoin standard, while near essential for the next step, is still a hurdle, if they don’t want to know about Bitcoin, why would they get into that book in the first place. But Bitcoin is simply that little bit of ice poking above the surface, with price being an ice cubes’ worth of it. Reading #genesisbook, I’m finding about the road to bitcoin, the why of Bitcoin, the who of Bitcoin and so much of what is hidden under the water. How am I going to respond to people asking about bitcoin now? Still don’t really know, and still think the uncensorable nature might come up (you don’t want your account frozen), but maybe “let me tell you a story of something that began in the 1960’s” or just tell them that it’s complex, interesting and important, here, borrow my copy. I’m not going to convince you now, I’m not bitcoin’s sales man, but if you’re interested, spending a little time learning about its origins (and other related topics) then come back to me with any questions. Also, if you feel the need to google bitcoin, please be aware that your “trusted news outlets” such as the BBC openly lie about it and will fight any request to fact check with they publish. Thank you and and of course https://fountain.fm/episode/DSIL2BCs0XyC42wd12Zd https://m.primal.net/NQYh.jpg
• 28 Jan
Earlier this month, our CEO spoke with . If you missed it, here’s a link to the conversation on : https://fountain.fm/episode/DSIL2BCs0XyC42wd12Zd

100 sats
• 17 Jan
Great podcast - 🇬🇧is a long way behind when it comes to understanding Bitcoin. https://fountain.fm/episode/DSIL2BCs0XyC42wd12Zd

• 20 Jan

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