TSC08: Ecstatic Music (The Students)

TSC08: Ecstatic Music (The Students)

The Sonic Cloth

Part deux of our expedition into ecstatic music. This episode will make a lot more sense if you’ve listened to the previous episode, TSC07: Ecstatic Music (The Teachers).  Just sayin. Here, we look to the students to see if they paid attention in class. Less of a thru-line between generations and more of a continuation of ecstatic sounds into the modern era where culture, tech, and globalization have run amok. Ultimately, we’re looking for the same things: free-form expression, incantations and exorcisms, mystic jams...basically any music that seizes your attention, commands it, and makes it known that you don’t control you. 

Follow @thesonicclothpodcast on Instagram to grab the tracklist


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