Hi GWA Fam!
On this week's episode, we have Liv Bowser. She is the CEO & Founder of Liberate, the first-ever mental wellness studio with group classes designed to expand and empower you. Liv is an Upstate New Yorker turned West Coaster with a background in everything outdoors and “better for you” start-ups. A Certified Meditation and Mindfulness Teacher, she’s on a mission to mainstream mental wellness and bring human beings together on our journey to become our best selves! Links Below!
If you're interested in taking a class at Liberate please use promo code GWA10 at checkout to receive $10 off your first class.
Follow Liv Bowser:
Instagram: @liberatestudio
Book a class: www.liberatestudio.com
Shop with Heike on Glossier here!
Follow us
Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggy
Here is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!
Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up: girlswanxiety@gmail.com
xx GWA