23/07/2023 | Lifehacks | How to be a Friend That Brings Life | John Goodliff

23/07/2023 | Lifehacks | How to be a Friend That Brings Life | John Goodliff

Riverside Church, Birmingham, UK

SERMON TITLE: How to be a Friend That Brings Life
BY: John Goodliff
DATE: Sunday 23th July 2023
# Chapter 3, verses 27-31
# Chapter 17, verse 9
# Chapter 17, verse 17
# Chapter 18, verse 24


“A diminishing circle of friends is the first terrible diagnostic of a life in deep trouble.” (David Whyte)
In an age of isolation and online connection, true friendship can be tricky. And yet, perhaps we need friendship more than ever. In Proverbs we catch a glimpse of the perils of unwise friendship, and the huge befits of friends who bring life.


What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website: https://riverside-church.org.uk/

Useful Links:
# OUR WEBSITE: https://riverside-church.org.uk/
# READ ONLINE (Church Blog) - https://www.riverside-churchblog.org.uk/
# WATCH ONLINE (YouTube) - https://www.youtube.com/RiversideChurchBirmingham


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