The show you've surely been waiting for all year, this year's top ten list, has arrived.
Last yearwe ranked the top ten MMOs of the past decade (much to the dismay of
some) and this year we decided to flip it over and look forward to the
top ten most anticipated/important/cool/innovative MMOs on the horizon.
This year
Brenden and I decided to let a couple more guys in on the secrets of our scientific methods.
Michael from MMOGNation and
Darren from SUWT and
The Common Sense Gamer joined us for the fun.And
now I must do something I've never (ok, rarely) felt compelled to do
before. Apologize for a little audio snafu. Turns out that when the
talking to 3 other people at once and trying to record my part of the
conversation - I should NOT use a crappy old laptop. This resulted in a
little skipping on my tracks now and then. Really sucks. If you're
wondering what that game we're talking about is that got blurred out -
it's Age of Conan. Other than that you'll find the audio quality to be