Interview with Brian Harrington edited

Interview with Brian Harrington edited

Tokyo Citadel Builders

  • YouTube:

    Twitter @BrianHarrington

    • How long have you had the righteous beard?
    • You've been in Bitcoin since 2015 and homesteading since 2022. Can you give some highlights of yourself and what you do?
    • Your YouTube channel focuses on bitcoin mining, solar, homesteading and Tesla. Why those focuses? Are these independent or overlapping?
    • Why did you start homesteading and how long have you been doing it?
    • Where do you fall on the bitcoiner spectrum? 
    • Having followed your work it seems that you often push back on certain narratives which float around the world of bitcoin. What are your main areas of concern? 
    • How do you hope to see bitcoin develop going forward?
    • What projects are you working on that you would like to highlight?
    • What is your opinion of the bitcoin citadel concept?
    • Final thoughts?

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