This week, to replace the very special Jon, we have a very special guest, Garnett Lee of the Week-End Confirmed podcast and a huge influence on the modern incarnation of Radio Free Nintendo! We spend 15 minutes breaking the ice before moving on with our New Business: Weapon Shop de Omasse, Bravely Default, DmC: Devil May Cry, Strider (PS4), Rain, and Steel Diver: Sub Wars!
After a quick break, we return for a Q&A with Garnett that includes questions from the Internet, plus a few of our own. There's plenty of "inside podcasting", Japanese RPGs, even consideration of media bias against Nintendo.
This week, to replace the very special Jon, we have a very special guest, Garnett Lee of the Week-End Confirmed podcast and a huge influence on the modern incarnation of Radio Free Nintendo! We spend 15 minutes breaking the ice before moving on with our New Business: Weapon Shop de Omasse, Bravely Default, DmC: Devil May Cry, Strider (PS4), Rain, and Steel Diver: Sub Wars!
After a quick break, we return for a Q&A with Garnett that includes questions from the Internet, plus a few of our own. There's plenty of "inside podcasting", Japanese RPGs, even consideration of media bias against Nintendo.