Dive into the intriguing history of the Kyrgyz Empire, a distinguished Turkic entity that arose following the fall of the Göktürk Empire. Discover how these ancient Turks, originating from the Yenisei River, emerged from under the shadows of the Göktürks and Uyghurs to establish their own domain in 840 CE. Explore their origins, rise to power, and debate whether they truly constituted an empire. Unveil the legacy left by one of the oldest known Turkic people.
00:00:00: Introduction
00:01:34: Mysterious Origins
00:06:42: Rise to Power
00:10:01: Empire or no Empire?
00:14:09: Lasting Legacy
#KyrgyzEmpire #TurkicStates #Göktürk #UyghurEmpire #ancientTurks #YeniseiRiver #TieleFederation #Altai-Sayan #medievalhistory #CentralAsiahistory
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