Rise of Broad Reliance on APIs Brings Novel Vector for Security Concern and Need for New Defenses

Rise of Broad Reliance on APIs Brings Novel Vector for Security Concern and Need for New Defenses

BriefingsDirect Podcasts

Thinking of IT security as a fortress or a moat around your compute assets has given way to a more realistic and pervasive posture.

Such a cybersecurity perimeter, it turns out, was only an illusion. A far more effective extended-enterprise strategy protects business assets and processes wherever they are -- and wherever they might reach.

As businesses align to new approaches such as zero trust and behavior-modeling to secure their data applications, infrastructure, and networks, there’s a new, rapidly expanding digital domain that needs such pervasive and innovative protection.

The next BriefingsDirect security trends discussion explores how application programming interfaces (APIs), microservices, and cloud-native computing form a new frontier for cybersecurity vulnerabilities -- as well as opportunities for innovative defenses and resilience.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy.

To learn more about why your expanding use of APIs may be the new weak link in your digital business ecosystem, please welcome Jyoti Bansal, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder at Traceable.ai. The interview is moderated by Dana Gardner, Principal Analyst at Interarbor Solutions.

Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes. Read a full transcript or download a copy. Sponsor: Traceable.ai.


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