Title: You Can Make A Difference
By: Andy Mackie
Bible Reading: 1 Peter, Chapter 1: Verses 1-2.
Description: Part of our teaching series called 'Everyday You'; looking at the impact we can have in our everyday worlds. Wherever we find ourselves, whatever we find ourselves doing, we have the possibility of seeing the good news of Jesus at work.
Recorded: Sunday 06/10/2019 at our Bournville gathering.
You Can Make A Difference:
'We are part of a bigger story. Our work and daily lives may feel challenging or mundane, but we have a massive opportunity. We realise that we are part of God’s story, who has called us and wants to use us right where we are. For those who don't know Jesus, we can begin to discover a dignity and worth in our every day lives that begins to point to a bigger reality that maybe life isn't just about us, and that we are part of a big story.'
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Note: While this talk is based on the above listed sections of the Bible, the actual bible readings used during our services may sometimes change.