A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin with Jason Maier

A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin with Jason Maier

The Transformation of Value

Jason Maier is the author of A Progressive's Case for Bitcoin: A Path Toward a More Just, Equitable, and Peaceful World.

The book introduces Bitcoin to a progressive audience focussed primarily on the United States. Jason talks about how Bitcoin can actually help bring about positive social change, and he also dispels some of the common misconceptions about Bitcoin that would otherwise slow adoption among those who need it most.

I talk to Jason about what “progressive” means for him, the relevancy of political labels and tribalism in a digital world, and how Bitcoin can be understood from a New Zealand perspective.

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⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠Swarbricks⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠⁠ - New Zealand's first law firm to accept Bitcoin for legal services (https://www.swarbricks.co.nz/bitcoin)

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A Progressive's Case For Bitcoin - ⁠⁠⁠https://www.bitcoinprogressive.com/

Jason Maier on Twitter - https://twitter.com/cjasonmaier

Book: The Sovereign Individual - https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/82256

Alex Gladstein: Human Rights Foundation - https://hrf.org/team/alex-gladstein/

How the IMF and World Bank Repress Poor Countries and Funnel Their Resources to Rich Ones by Alex Gladstein - https://bitcoinmagazine.com/culture/imf-world-bank-repress-poor-countries

Pacific Bitcoin Festival 2023 - https://www.pacificbitcoin.com/

Bitcoin Amsterdam - https://b.tc/conference/amsterdam


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