Jam-packed February Bonus Episode

Jam-packed February Bonus Episode

The Shit No One Tells You About Writing

In today's jam-packed Bonus Episode, Bianca, Carly, and CeCe answer questions about whether dark novels and WWII novels have a place in the current market; when it's okay to pitch an unfinished book; how to evaluate comps through number of reviews; about liking your own comps; submitting through query tracker; writing outside of genre conventions; following up with agents; and how to distinguish omniscient POV from third person POV.

After which, Carly chats with Lindsay Wong, author of Tell Me Pleasant Things About Immortality, about her inspiration for her short story collection; the themes explored in her body of work; why she likes being a creative writing instructor; the challenges of pitching as a BIPOC author and filling a gap in the market; her experiences as a woman of color at conferences; and some pros and cons of working with a big publishing house vs a smaller one. We also play an excerpt from Lindsay’s audiobook.

Then, Bianca chats with Jennifer Wilson, author of Grant Us Tomorrow, about what caused Jennifer to finally get writing; the act of beginning; forming a team to help you stay on track; protecting your voice when working with a team; trusting the reader; and Jennifer's path to publication.

Finally, Bianca chats with Emilie Sommer from East City Book Shop as Emilie gives comps recommendations.

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Twitter: @TSNOTYAW @BiancaM_author @carlywatters @ceciliaclyra

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Facebook: @tsnotyaw

Websites: www.theshitaboutwriting.comwww.biancamarais.comwww.carlywatters.com and www.cecilialyra.com

Lindsay can be found at @lindsaymwong on Twitter and at @lindsaywong.m on Instagram and at www.lindsaywongwriter.com

Jennifer can be found at www.grantustomorrow.ca and at @grantustomorrow on Instagram

Emilie can be found at @emiliegsommer on Instagram and East City Book Shop can be found at www.eastcitybookshop.com

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