20 ways to STOP being so hard on yourself

20 ways to STOP being so hard on yourself

I Care About You

Today on the I Care About You Podcast, we are talking about being too hard on ourselves and ways to shift. We are all hard on ourselves sometimes. It is hard not to be. We live in a world of high competition. From a young age, we are taught to compete with one another. While casual competition can be “healthy,” we often see competition becoming too extreme. We have all been to a children’s baseball game or soccer match adn seen parents taking the competition a little too seriously. Through these types of situations and rhetoric, we get in school about not being able to get a good job or provide for people. We can sometimes develop extreme beliefs about competition, and it can lead to being too hard on ourselves if we aren't the best at everything. We can take a defeat too hard, and it can easily go from a learning tool to a negative internal belief that we aren't smart enough. This can be easily seen when applying to college. The extreme competition to get into a university begins in grade school. We signal to our children that if they don’t get these grades and be this exceptional, do these extracurriculars, apply for these internships, and take these classes, then they will fail. That is one, not at all true, and two, too extreme for children to develop healthy self-beliefs. If you feel that you are too hard on yourself here are 20 things you can do to help you retrain yourself to have a more self-compassionate and loving outlook on yourself.


#innercritic #negativity #negativeselftalk #happiness #goalsetting

There may be some triggers in this podcast so take care of yourself. Music @TrackTribe @i.care.about.you.podcast Just to let you know, this information is for educational purposes only and is not intended to be a substitute for clinical credit. PLEASE BE SURE TO CONSULT A HEALTHCARE PROVIDER FOR GUIDANCE SPECIFIC TO YOUR CASE. Trigger Warning: The episodes on the I care about you YouTube channel and podcast episode may, at times, cover sensitive topics including but not limited to suicide, abuse, violence, severe mental illnesses, sex, drugs, alcohol addiction, psychedelics, and the use of plant medicines. You are advised to refrain from watching or listening to the YouTube Channel or Podcast if you are likely to be offended or adversely impacted by any of these topics.


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