Option Block 724: Live from the Southern Studio

Option Block 724: Live from the Southern Studio

The Option Block

Ttrading Block: Making up for lost ground. Weekend risk. Silver give up gains on tarriff talks.New low in the July VIX futures.Square up for no discernible reason. TWTR. TSLA. Put buyers. VIX zones. Fifty cent is back.Why are there so few market makers left? IL Rep takes it on. Where should regulators focus their attention?

Odd Block: Mystery TSLA puts. Rally-ho in Dropbox. Finding value in Rent-A-Center.

Mail Block: Listeners take over

Last week's question of the week: We've broken down the weekly ATM straddles expiring 6/22 for the follow popular names. Gun to your head, which ATM straddle would you reather buy? TSLA? FB? SPY? GLD?

  • 42% - TSLA
  • 25% - FB
  • 15% - SPY
  • 18% - GLD

This week's question of the week: : Let's have some fun. These "entertainment" stocks are pricing in big moves. Gun to your head: Which July ATM straddle would you rather own in your portfolio? WWE? DIS? WYNN? SEAS? #DegeneratePremiumBuyers #PalmsIn #FearNoTheta

  • WWE July ATM Strad: $7
  • WYNN July ATM Strad: $12
  • SEAS July ATM Strad: $2
  • DIS July ATM Strad: $5
  • Comment from ThetaSeller: Can't we just sell an O.T.M. strangle instead? LOL
  • Comment from traderjrae: I'm trying to decide which would be worse... Placing an ATM straddle when long options are overpriced, or getting shot in the head.
  • Comment from 1SimpleTrader: Re: TSLA. Musk sells $600 million worth of stock in 2016, nobody bats an eye. He buys $10 million back and everyone loses their s*#t.

Around the Block: Trade wars? Watching the POTUS Twitter account.


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