Good Night Anxiety

Good Night Anxiety

Girls w/ Anxiety

Hi Friends!

Welcome back to GWA, on this weeks episode we are talking about how our anxiety switches from day to night, literally... why is our anxiety different during the day than it is at night time?! We go through a list of reasons why our brain races when we are trying to get our beauty sleep and what we can do to calm our racing thoughts. We hope between all the giggles you find some tips and tricks to help calm your mind when it decides to go off the deep end. We got you and we see you night time anxiety...good night!

Also, we want to hear your #GWAweeklygoals, share them with us!!

Follow us
Instagram: @girlswanxietypodcast, Heike @heikeleming and Neg @nneggy
Here is our website if you want to see a cute picture of us!
Our email if you want to reach out and ask us any advice on anxiety or just to say what up:

xx GWA


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