Hershall, we have a big surprise for the final day of camp meeting 2023. Bro. Davin referenced this man yesterday on the episode and how he has been an influence in his life... Well, it just so happens that I am his pastor. This is a familiar voice to the Holiness people... Rev. Don Rich. He and his wife, Sis. Shirley share some experiences that they have had in their ministry over the years and though they aren't able to travel and preach any more like they used to, they still have a desire to do what they can for the kingdom of God. They have been an encouragement to me over these last few years that I have been their pastor. Enjoy!
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Personalities on Pod'N Me
Pastor: Devin Birdsong
Deacon: Dustin Wakley
Songleader: Brad Cottrell
Hershall: Jud Ingram
News Anchor, Dink Burbank: Josh Smith
Gen Z Boy: Brooks Birdsong