Episode 314: Three Heads Tall

Episode 314: Three Heads Tall

Radio Free Nintendo

  • Nate rejoins us this week as we talk about Paper Mario: Sticker Star, Zone of the Enders HD Collection, the demo for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance, Shinobi for 3DS, Shinobi III, Persona 3 Portable, Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward (the sequel to 999) and Professor Layton and the Miracle Mask.
  • Listener Mail covers a request to assess the real meaning of Wii U's undeniable third-party support at launch, and whether this level of interest from third-party developers and publish might evaporate once Sony and Microsoft launch their next consoles; a comment on the recent spate of big-name game directors/producers leaving their companies; and a look at a Japanese commercial in which Nintendo refers to the "Super Wii".


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