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here. Are you in the PCA, and need help navigating your situation? Contact:
Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew. Free live workshops of the PCA Book of Church Order (BCO): Read and discuss the PCA report on
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Assault. Donate to Advocacy from the Presbyterian Pew
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Outreach Incorporated. In this episode I spoke with Colleen McConnell, former member of St. Paul's Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Orlando, Florida, and
Megan Owen, founder of
Mountain City Christian Counseling, who was formerly counseled by Jim Wilson, Doug Wilson's late father. Colleen's story shares similarities with every story we have profiled save one difference, she won her case in the PCA. So we look into when women "win," what that means for their relationship with the church and its leadership, as well as their marriages (or former marriages). Megan (and her family) were horrifically abused by her ex-husband, and you'll hear what kind of counsel came from the mouth of Jim, which then starts making more sense of Doug. The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Because for these men and leaders, a woman who's too opinionated needs to be put her in place. Below them. Donate to help the survivor network
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