Our list of places to visit is getting longer with another addition of SLC. Join us and @niceadegering today as we eat, drink and explore our way through the capital city of Utah!
Where to stay: Airbnbs
Where to eat: Eva’s Bakery, Whiskey Street, Sapa, Dali Crepes, Takashi, The Bite / The Cajun Kitchen, Pretty Bird Chicken
Where to drink: Whiskey Street, Lake Effect, Current Fish & Oyster
What to do: City Creek Center, Temple Square, Ensign Peak Hiking Trail, Red Butte Garden
Most instagram-able - Pretty Bird Chicken
Best coffee shop - Gourmandise
Favorite pizza - Maxwell’s East Coast Eatery
Favorite event - Farmer’s Market
Best wine and cheese spot: Caputo’s Market & Deli
Best season to visit: fall
Favorite rooftop bar: The Green Pig Pub
Favorite local business: Every Blooming Thing, King’s English Bookshop
Favorite dessert spot: Handel’s Ice Cream
Favorite ski mountain: Deer Valley Resort
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