A World on Fire, Season 2! Steel the Indestructible Man 1 and 2, 1978

A World on Fire, Season 2! Steel the Indestructible Man 1 and 2, 1978

A World on Fire; An All-Star Squadron Podcast!

Welcome to our season two debut! Join Mart Gray and I, as we dive headfirst into Steel the Indestructible Man issues one and two! This short-lived series by Gerry Conway and company, is a lot of fun, and really adds a lot to the WWII era for DC comics! Get ready, as we explore this character and his other iterations as well! 
As usual, you can contact the show with any feedback through email at Aworldonfirepodcast@gmail.com or on Twitter @AllSquadron and you can find Mart on Twitter as well @MartGray and definitely check out his blog Dangermart.blog! Thanks for listening in!


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