China still hungry for aussie proteins - 2nd April 2022

China still hungry for aussie proteins - 2nd April 2022

Commodity Conversations

Russia’s war on Ukraine is still having ramifications across the global grains & oilseeds markets and indirectly across a whole raft of agricultural commodities. We’re seeing stronger demand for most agricultural commodities than we’ve ever seen before, as governments around the world try to secure essential food items to keep their populations content. China of course is no small fry when it comes to the global trade market, being one of the biggest if not the biggest importers of redmeat & grains and oilseeds. Geopolitical tensions aside, this episode, Mecardo analyst Adrian Ladaniwskyj has a chat with Rob Herrmann about China’s demand for Aussie red meat in 2021 & 2022, amongst other key highlights of the grains, wool and livestock markets. 


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