11.20.24 Washington Wednesday, World Tour, and high school archaeology

11.20.24 Washington Wednesday, World Tour, and high school archaeology

The World and Everything In It

On Washington Wednesday, FEMA in the hot seat and the drawbacks of presidential appointments; on World Tour, news from Nigeria, France, Hong Kong, and Columbia; and high school students dig into history. Plus, the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree, and Daniel Darling on Marco Rubio as the new secretary of state and the Wednesday morning news

Support The World and Everything in It today at wng.org/donate.

Additional support comes from Embrace Grace--equipping the church to love and encourage single and pregnant women by helping them realize they can have their dreams and their babies too. embracegrace.com

From Asbury University, in Wilmore, Ky. Asbury's Set Apart retreats promote a biblical worldview for students. Asbury.edu/setapart.

And from Compelled Podcast. Teri Hrabovsky was shattered after an intruder broke into her home and assaulted her. Only Christ could heal. Episode 90 at CompelledPodcast.com.


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