26/11/2023 | What We Waiting for? | Waiting In The Dark | Sarah Auger

26/11/2023 | What We Waiting for? | Waiting In The Dark | Sarah Auger

Riverside Church, Birmingham, UK

TEACHING SERIES: What We Waiting For?
SERMON TITLE: Waiting In The Dark
BY: Sarah Auger
DATE: Sunday 26 November 2023
BIBLE PASSAGES: Malachi – Chapter 4, verses 2-6


Have you ever seen a dog tied up outside a shop, waiting for its owner. Occasionally the dog really starts whining, with a despair that wonders ‘is my owner coming back?’ And then, when the owner reappears, the joy for the dog is palpable!
There can be moments in our lives when we feel like that – in the middle of despair and we aren’t sure how it’s going to turn out. When life feels pretty dark, waiting can feel almost unbearable. What might it look like to wait, when the world around seems pretty dark?

‘…waiting isn’t just something we do; it’s a place we live – usually against our will. It’s a stage of life, a journey we take, a crucible for the heart.’
(Elizabeth Laing Thompson)


What's true of Riverside Church when we meet together in-person is still true of us online. We are on a journey together to help people get to know Jesus and grow as his followers across Birmingham and beyond. Riverside is a church made up of people from a diversity of backgrounds and experiences all with one thing in common; our discovery of God and His amazing love. We hope you will feel at home among us and that you will find our weekly services, events and groups welcoming and relevant to your life.

Whoever you are, whatever you believe, you're so welcome in this community. To find out more about Riverside Church please visit our website: https://riverside-church.org.uk/

Useful Links:
# OUR WEBSITE: https://riverside-church.org.uk/
# READ ONLINE (Church Blog) - https://www.riverside-churchblog.org.uk/
# WATCH ONLINE (YouTube) - https://www.youtube.com/RiversideChurchBirmingham


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