⏪ RewindeR - Albums Nuevos 🎶 Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! (2022) 🤘 | Saludable, Reforzado y con mucha Vida! 9.5/10

⏪ RewindeR - Albums Nuevos 🎶 Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! (2022) 🤘 | Saludable, Reforzado y con mucha Vida! 9.5/10

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Nuevo Album! Rebobinando 📼 Megadeth - The Sick, The Dying… And The Dead! (2022) 💿

Album en Tidal: https://tidal.com/browse/album/245030380

Album en Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/album/1ziUtOuRT545OI4cnHEMhC

Albume en YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xc_mfqPS2LY&list=PLFJaod-oManFTxKGVd7lESAt_Ccss3e8p

Let's Rewind ⏪

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#Megadeth #TheSickTheDyingAnTheDead #AlbumNuevo

1."The Sick, the Dying... and the Dead!"

2."Life in Hell"

3."Night Stalkers"

4."Dogs of Chernobyl"




8."Killing Time"

9."Soldier On!"


11."Mission to Mars"

12."We'll Be Back"

Bonus Tracks:

13."Police Truck" (Dead Kennedys cover)

14."This Planet's on Fire (Burn in Hell)" (Sammy Hagar cover, featuring Sammy Hagar)

La Música utilizada no es de nuestra autoría, se obtiene gracias a los permisos y copyright para creadores de contenido.

INTRO: Loyalty Freak Music | Compositor: GIGA METAL (Music is licensed under a CC0 1.0 Universal License at freemusicarchive.org) + Mixkit Explosion Hit 1704 Sound.

OUTRO: Happy Rock | Compositor: Benjamin Tissot (also known as Bensound) An Uuplifting Positive and Happy Rock Royalty Free Music.


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