Bitcoin Plebcast w/ Seb Bunney: Why and How Does Bitcoin Influence What We Strive to Achieve / Become?
Bitcoin Rapid-Fire

Bitcoin Plebcast w/ Seb Bunney: Why and How Does Bitcoin Influence What We Strive to Achieve / Become?

Jun 30 2022 • 1hr 50m

Show Notes

Seb hit me up recently saying that he found the concepts contained in 'Money Messiah' (a recent written work of mine) interesting, and he was wondering if I'd be open to having a discussion about my motivations in writing it, as well as to share his own experiences and thoughts which have emerged as a result of pursing a deeper understanding of bitcoin.
There's nothing I like more than a good chat with a humble bitcoiner, so that's what we did.
More from Seb:
TWITTER: @sebbunney

More from me:
SUBSTACK: Money Messiah

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500 sats
Jul 7 2022
500 sats
Jul 4 2022
Amazing Podcast 🙏🏼
100 sats
Jul 1 2022
love the early educational aspect of this … as our current curriculum is void of financial education… we’ll done
Aug 28 2022