- The whole crew's back together to look toward the year ahead!
- Our extensive New Business includes impressions of FFCC The Crystal Bearers, Avatar for Wii, Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth, and Target Terror!
- In part 2 we predict what will happen in Nintendo gaming during 2010!
- Zelda's release date, the next DS, Wii HD, Retro Studios' new project--hear us be totally wrong about these and other topics!
- The whole crew's back together to look toward the year ahead!
- Our extensive New Business includes impressions of FFCC The Crystal Bearers, Avatar for Wii, Castlevania The Adventure ReBirth, and Target Terror!
- In part 2 we predict what will happen in Nintendo gaming during 2010!
- Zelda's release date, the next DS, Wii HD, Retro Studios' new project--hear us be totally wrong about these and other topics!
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